Analysis of risk factors for the formation of functional disorders of the respiratory system in metalworking employees


Raikova Svetlana V.1ORCID,Mazilov Svyatoslav I.2ORCID,Komleva Nataliia E.1ORCID,Kuznetsov Nikita S.3ORCID,Bobyleva Elena V.3ORCID


1. Saratov Hygiene Medical Research Center of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies; Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky

2. Saratov Hygiene Medical Research Center of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies

3. Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky


Introduction. Employees of the main occupations of metalworking production are exposed to a complex of harmful production and non-production factors contributing to the formation of bronchopulmonary pathology. The identification of priority factors leading to the development of diseases of the respiratory system is important in order to develop methods of effective prevention of bronchopulmonary diseases in employees of the metalworking industry. Materials and methods. As part of the cross-sectional study, the medical and social aspects and the health status of three hundred metalworking employees were studied. A hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the labour process was carried out. The results of the study were statistically processed using the Statistica 10 software. Results. There was a discrepancy in the number of workers with an established diagnosis of bronchopulmonary disease and the number of workers complaining from the respiratory system and having physical and spirometric disorders. Workers were established to be exposed to a complex of harmful chemicals of hazard classes 1–4, having an irritating, carcinogenic, sharply directed mechanism of action on the human body (classes 2–3.2) and aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (class 2). The harmful chemical factor affecting metalworking employees did not have a significant effect on the formation of functional disorders of the respiratory system. The priority risk factor for the development of bronchopulmonary pathology in metalworking employees is the use of tobacco smoking products. Limitations. The study has regional (Saratov region) and occupational (metalworking employees) limitations. Conclusion. The priority risk factor for the development of bronchopulmonary pathology is the use of smoking tobacco products, and the impact of a harmful chemical factor that had an insignificant effect on the formation of functional disorders of the respiratory system of metalworking employees.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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1. Hygienic assessment of the chemical factor of working conditions and respiratory disorders in metalworking workers;Russian Journal of Occupational Health and Industrial Ecology;2023-12-15







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