Changes in the left ventricle in workers with long work experience of the coal and aluminum industry


Korotenko Olga Yu.1ORCID,Filimonov Egor S.1ORCID,Panev Nikolay I.1ORCID


1. Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases


Introduction. The leading role in the industrial structure of Kuzbass belongs to the coal and metallurgical industry associated with exposure to harmful production factors and high risks to the health of workers. The main pathogenetic factors triggering occupational and production-related diseases are hypoxic conditions potent of promoting changes in the heart structure and function. Materials and methods. The study included one hundred sixteen miners and 84 workers in the main occupations of aluminum production. The average age of miners was 47.63±0.33 years, of workers in the aluminum production - 48.41±0.53 years, p=0.191. Work experience in harmful working conditions in the study groups exceeded 20 years and did not differ significantly (p=0.281). All subjects underwent echocardiography according to the standard technique with automatic calculation of the global longitudinal deformity of the left ventricle. Results. The left ventricular ejection fraction and its longitudinal deformation were lower in aluminum industry workers with arterial hypertension not only in comparison with metallurgists with normal blood pressure (p<0.0001), but also with miners with arterial hypertension (p=0.015). Longitudinal deformation of the left ventricle in aluminum workers without arterial hypertension was significantly lower than in miners with normal blood pressure (p=0.0062). The parameters of the diastolic function of the left ventricle changed in the study groups under the influence of arterial hypertension. Limitations. This investigation is limited to a selection of workers in the main professions of the aluminum and coal industries undergoing periodic medical examinations at the Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. Conclusion. A decrease in global longitudinal left ventricular myocardial deformation in miners and aluminum industry workers was associated with the presence of arterial hypertension and with the specifics of the main adverse production factors. The indices of left ventricular contractile function in aluminum industry workers were significantly lower compared to those in miners, regardless of the presence of arterial hypertension.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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