Analysis of design decisions on establishing an aerodrome territory based on the electromagnetic factor


Nikitina Valentina N.1ORCID,Kalinina N. I.1ORCID,Lyashko G. G.1ORCID,Pankina E. N.1ORCID,Plekhanov V. P.1ORCID


1. North-West Public Health Research Center


Introduction. Under the regulations for civil aviation aerodromes, aerodrome territories (AT) are established. The analysis of the literature data shows that when considering the hygienic aspects of the operation of airfields, the authors focus on aviation noise and pollutants in the environment.The purpose of the study: to analyze the design documentation for the establishment of the AT of many civil aviation aerodromes to study the effects of electromagnetic fields of the radio frequency range created by antennas of modern transmitting radio engineering objects (TREO). Materials and methods. We studied regulatory documents on the procedure for establishing and using aerodrome territories, radio engineering support for airfields, technical characteristics and operating modes of modern radio equipment, and regulatory documents for ensuring electromagnetic safety of the population. The analysis of the project documentation for the organization of the aerodrome territory on the electromagnetic effects of seven civil aviation airfields was carried out.Results. The study found the electromagnetic environment in an open area to depend on the power of the radio object, the frequency range, the height of the antenna installation, the radiation pattern in the vertical and horizontal plane, and the combination of two survey radars in one position. Sanitary protection zones and restricted areas for communication and navigation facilities are located within the technical territory of the airfield. Zones of restriction of radar objects fall into the seventh subzone of the AT, established by the noise factor.Conclusion. According to regulatory documents, the justification of the boundaries of the seventh subzone of the AT of civil aviation airfields is established by the factor of noise and electro-magnetic effects, and air pollution. The experience of reviewing the project documentation for the establishment of near-aerodrome territories for electromagnetic effects shows that the zone of restriction of powerful radars can influence the formation of the seventh subzone of the AT. If the restriction zones go beyond the boundaries of the aerodrome land plot, then restrictions on the use of real estate objects and activities are imposed on the territories that fall within the zone.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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