Markers of allergy and immunoregulation in children under conditions of aerogenic exposure to aluminum


Dolgikh Oleg V.1ORCID,Dianova Dina G.1ORCID,Shirinkina Alisa S.1ORCID


1. Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies


Introduction. The study of sensitization under conditions of aerogenic exposure to aluminum is relevant for preventing the formation of the risk of disorders of the immunological health in the child population. Materials and methods. Preschool three hundred fifty three children living in Eastern Siberia were examined. Observation group included 199 children living in the zone exposed to emissions from non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, comparison group – 154 children living in a “conditionally clean” area. In the observation area, the average daily dose of aerogenic exposure to aluminum was 0.292 ∙ 10–3 mg/(kg ∙ day), in the comparison area – 0.0376 ∙ 10–3mg/(kg ∙ day). The work used sanitary-hygienic, chemical-analytical, enzyme-linked immunosorbent and allergosorbent research methods. Results. In children living under conditions of aluminum exposure, a twofold excess of aluminum content was identified in biological environments relative to the comparison group (p = 0.001), hyperproduction of IgG to aluminum, CD19+ and CD3+CD8+ lymphocytes (1.6 times), and NKT lymphocytes (2 times) and CD11a+ lymphocytes 1.4 times (p=0.001) was noted, which reflects an imbalance of immunoregulation and the formation of autoallergy. A significant relationship was established between hyperproduction of total IgE and IgG to aluminum (OR=2.29–5.98; 95% CI 1.76–9.52), (RR=1.93–2.66; 95% CI: 1.41–3.54) Limitations of the study. Limited sample size. Conclusion. As markers of allergy and imbalance of immunoregulation in children under conditions of aerogenic exposure to aluminum and with its increased content in biological media, it is necessary to recommend IgG to aluminum as a marker of sensitivity, as well as CD11a+, reflecting the likelihood of developing a risk of developing immunological disadaptation and autosensitization (OR = 2.29–5.98), (RR=1.93–2.66).


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman

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