1. Novokuznetsk State Institute for Further Training of Physicians - Branch Campus of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education»
Introduction. Positive long-term system experience of development and functioning of information technologies in health care should find application in modern information systems. The purpose of the study is to justify the principles of improving the efficiency of the use and creation of information resources in health and medicine based on previous experience. Methods. The system approach’s methodology combines the methods of system, graphical and statistical analysis used in the study, methods of expert assessments, empirical modeling, epidemiological, socio-hygienic, and other methods. Identifying the main problems of Informatization, evaluating and analyzing approaches to creating information systems, including interdepartmental ones, are solved. Results. The main problems of informatization of the current stage are identified. The principles of increasing the efficiency of using and creating information resources in healthcare and medicine are justified. The analysis of previously applied principles and methodological approaches to creating information systems is carried out. That is, the experience is evaluated. The study outlines the ways of development and principles of improving the efficiency of using information resources, in particular, through in-depth analysis and modeling of information from multi-year databases. Discussion. The functioning of the “Health Protection” system makes it possible to increase the efficiency, reliability, and completeness of the use of information on the state of morbidity, disability, and mortality of the population and the environment. The fact that the system is interdepartmental allows improving the existing assessment methods, analysis, and control of the population’s quality of medical care and environmental safety. Conclusion. The study results emphasize the need to apply and develop similar approaches at the current informatization stage in the health care system.
Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Health Policy
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