Attention is focused on the effectiveness of social entrepreneurship in solving economic and so-cial problems based on the differences between social entrepreneurship and traditional business -the social effect is a direct result of the activity of a social enterprise as opposed to a by-product of activi-ty that can be included during the implementation of other types of entrepreneurial activity. It was de-termined that social entrepreneurship is an active entrepreneurial activity, a full-fledged business that solves social problems and creates stable social value, and the conditions for classifying business enti-ties as social enterprises were analyzed.The criteria on the basis of which entrepreneurship is defined as social are outlined -pro-nounced entrepreneurial activity, clear definition of goals, directing profit to achieve defined goals, social impact, innovations and systemic changes -and factors influencing the distribution of the profit of such an enterprise.The state of development of social entrepreneurship in Poland is analyzed and examples of the successful functioning of various types of social enterprises are given in order to solve the urgent problems currently facing Ukraine -the need to adapt internally displaced persons; employment of people with special needs; an increase in the number of people who need social services; employment of the population with the use and further development of available resources; disruption of the coun-try's energy system.The composition of social enterprises of Ukraine was analyzed according to the following criteria: type of social enterprise, region of activity, organizational form of activity, distribution of enterprise profit.The main obstacles to the development of social entrepreneurship are identified -confusion re-garding the definition of the concept of "social entrepreneurship", ambiguity in the understanding of the role of social enterprises, reluctance to start and carry out economic activities among non-profit organizations, poor economic condition of social enterprises, etc. –and positive aspects of activity in the field of social entrepreneurship -the presence of support from European funds for the activity of social enterprises; growing attention to the activities of social enterprises as an effective tool for solving urgent social and economic problems.
Chernihiv Polytechnic National University
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