Aryanto Sani,Nurkaeti Nunuy,Nuryadin Asep
Ecopreneurship is regarded as a concept to accommodate Indonesia's problems in the economic, environment, and education in the disruptive era during Covid-19 pandemic, the perspective of the educationness, the research aims to develop an anthology of poetry-based ecopreneurship to be an anticipatory effort in to solve the problems. The research method uses the design of Research and Development (R&D), Hope fully this method can explain the theoretical basic to develop anthology of ecopreneurship and to give an overview of the process of developing a poetry-based ecopreneurship concept. The results of this research are two phases of four phases to do, so that the presented data includes relevant theories to develop poetry anthology such as: The concept of ecopreneurship, the values of ecopreneurship, the characteristics of children's poetry, and the internalization ecopreneurship values on children's poetry. The development stage of anthology has reached 50% with the number of poetry reached 40 is expected to actually represent the concept of ecopreneurship in elementary school
Keywords: Ecopreneurship, Poetry, Covid-19
Ecopreneurship dianggap sebagai konsep yang diharapkan mampu mengakomodir permasalahan Bangsa Indonesia di bidang ekonomi, lingkungan, dan pendidikan di era disruptif selama masa pandemi Covid-19 dari prespektif bidang kependidikandasaran, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan antologi puisi berbasis ecopreneurship yang diharapkan mampu menjadi upaya antisipatif dalam menyikapi permasalahan yang terjadi saat ini. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain research and development (R&D) dengan harapan mampu menjelaskan landasan teoretis dalam pengembangan antologi berbasis ecopreneurship dan mampu memberikan gambaran proses pengembangan rancangan awal antologi puisi berbasis ecopreneurship. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan dua tahapan dari empat tahapan yang telah dan akan dilakukan sehingga data-data yang disajikan meliputi teori-teori yang relevan dengan pengembangan antologi puisi seperti: konsep ecopreneurship, nilai-nilai ecopreneurship, karakteristik puisi anak, dan internalisasi nilai-nilai ecopreneurship pada puisi anak. Tahap pengembangan antologi sudah mencapai 50% dengan jumlah puisi mencapai 40 karya yang diharapkan benar-benar merepresentasikan konsep ecopreneurship di sekolah dasar.
Kata kunci: Ecopreneurship, Puisi, Covid-19
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
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