Let ${\An} \subset \R^n$ be a bounded Lipschitz domain and consider
the $\sigmap$-energy functional
{{\mathbb F}_{\sigmap}}[u; {\An}] := \int_{\An} \big|{\wedge}^2 \nabla u\big|^p dx,
with $p\in\mathopen]1, \infty]$ over the space of measure preserving maps
{\mathcal A}_p(\An) =\big\{u \in W^{1,2p}\big(\An, \R^n\big) :
u|_{\partial \An} = {x},\ \det \nabla u =1
\mbox{ for ${\mathcal L}^n$-a.e.\ in $\An$} \big\}.
In this article we address the question of multiplicity {\it versus} uniqueness
for {\it extremals} and
{\it strong} local minimizers of the $\sigmap$-energy funcional
$\mathbb F_{\sigmap}[\cdot; {\An}]$
in ${\mathcal A}_p({\An})$. We use a topological class of maps referred
to as {\it generalised} twists
and examine them in connection with the Euler-Lagrange equations
associated with $\sigmap$-energy
functional over ${\mathcal A}_p({\An})$. Most notably, we prove the existence
of a countably infinite
of topologically distinct twisting solutions to the later system
in all {\it even} dimensions by linking
the system to a set of nonlinear isotropic ODEs on the Lie group
${\rm SO}(n)$. In sharp contrast in
{\it odd} dimensions the only solution is the map $u\equiv x$.
The result relies on a careful analysis
of the {\it full} versus the {\it restricted} Euler-Lagrange equations.
Indeed, an analysis of curl-free
vector fields generated by symmetric matrix fields plays a pivotal role.
Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika/Nicolaus Copernicus University