A possible new direction for employment strategies in rural areas: theoretical foundation for the assessment of employability


Tésits Róbert1ORCID,Alpek Levente1ORCID,Hovanyi Gabor2ORCID,Lendvai Tamas2ORCID


1. University of Pécs , Institute of Geography .

2. University of Pécs , Doctoral School of Earth Sciences .


Abstract The aim of this study is to develop a theoretical framework for measuring an important segment of labour economics, namely the spatial structure of employability, especially for disadvantaged groups and regions. Based on secondary sources, it summarises the main factors of employability, providing a starting point for researchers working on the econometric branch of social sciences to develop an employability index using this conceptual background. The base of the primary research is the complex questionnaire survey administered to a group of the most disadvantaged job seekers. The study evaluates the factors hindering the employability of human resources that can be activated in the most disadvantaged districts. The research results are useful for those who are interested in increasing employment and reducing the impact of employability-limiting factors.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Sociology and Political Science,Geography, Planning and Development

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