Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) belong to a group of toxicants, which, due to their extremely dangerous impact on human health, is regulated by a special international agreement — the Stockholm Convention on POPs. Each Party to the Convention must develop and consistently update the National Implementation Plan for the requirements of this Convention. Ukraine developed a National Implementation Plan in 2007. Today, the plan needs to be revised and supplemented, taking into account the changes that have occurred in the structure of sources and volumes of POP emissions. During the time that has passed since the development of the first edition of the National Plan, new approaches have appeared to prevent the emission of POPs. The article contains the results of an expert analysis of changes in the volume and structure of POP emission sources in the world and in Ukraine. Calculations of POPs emissions, made according to the UNEP methodology, showed that the largest sources of POPs emissions in Ukraine are: sintering production and electric arc smelting of steel in ferrous metallurgy; production of thermal and electrical energy from biomass in the energy industry; incineration of solid household and hazardous waste. For the most problematic sources of POP emissions, the most promising methods and practices for preventing the formation and removal of POPs from the products of technological process have been determined. Bibl. 25, Fig. 4, Tab. 3.
The Gas Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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