The Consulting of Class-wide Positive Behavior Support in Elementary School: Improving Teacher Implementation of Universal Intervention and Children’s Expected Behavior*


Paek YoungSun,Son SeungHyun


본 연구는 컨설팅을 통한 학급차원의 긍정적 행동지원의 효과를 검증하기 위해 컨설팅 개입시기에 따른 교사의 보편적 중재실행능력과 학생들의 기대행동 변화율의 차이를 확인하였다. 이를 위해 실험집단은 교사연수 이후 컨설팅 통해 보편적 중재가 실행되었고, 비교집단은 교사연수 만으로 교사주도의 중재를 실행한 뒤, 컨설팅이 제공되었다. 연구결과, 컨설팅이 초기에 개입된 실험집단 교사의 보편적 중재실행능력이 비교집단보다 높게 나타났다. 하지만 이후 비교집단에도 컨설팅이 제공되면서 중재종료 시점에는 두 집단의 평균이 같아진 것으로 나타났다. 기대행동 변화율의 차이는 중재초반부터 실험집단이 비교집단보다 기대행동이 높게 상승하였고, 중재가 종료되고 철회된 이후에도 이러한 중재의 효과가 일정하게 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 컨설팅을 통한 보편적 중재의 유의미한 효과와 교사의 긍정적 행동지원 수행에 있어 컨설팅의 초기 개입의 중요성을 시사한다. In this study, in order to verify the effect of Class-wide positive behavior support based on the consulting model, the difference between the teacher's universal intervention ability and the student's expected behavior change rate with and without counseling was confirmed. To this end, the experimental group was provided with universal intervention through consulting after teacher training, and the comparison group was provided with teacher-led intervention after only teacher training. As a result of the study, the universal intervention implementation fidelity of teachers in the experimental group, who was initially involved in consulting, was higher than in the comparison group. However, as consulting was provided to the comparison group after that, it was found that the average of the two groups became the same at the end of the intervention. At the beginning of the intervention, the experimental group showed a steeper increase in the slope in expected behavior than the comparison group, and this effect remained even after the intervention was terminated and withdrawn. These results suggest the significant effect of universal intervention based on the consulting model and the importance of early intervention in the teacher's positive behavior support performance.


Korean Association for Behavior Analysis

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