A Delphi survey on developing verbal behavior assessment tool for autism spectrum children using ICF core set Autism Brief


Shin Byeolhae,Choi Jinhyeok


The purpose of this study is to develop a verbal behavior assessment tool for asd children using ICF Core Set-Autism Children Brief and verify the validity. Two rounds of Delphi survey on validity of items from IICF Core Set-Autism Children Brief was undertaken by 9 panels who are professionals in applied behavior analysis. As a result, 22 items were identified to be suitable among 48 items. For developmental level suitability, pre-talking and watching were the most suitable items for pre-listener level and listener level and speaker level were found to share common items such as memory function, intellectual function, pay attention, overall psychosocial functions. We discussed about implications that verbal behavior assessment tool for asd children should consider based on the results.


Korean Association for Behavior Analysis

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