The purpose of this study was to examine video modeling combined with
self-monitoring strategies on meal time activities which are meal preparation,
cleaning the table, tooth brushing skills of an elementary school student with
intellectual disabilities in a special school. The research questions were as
follows: First, does the video modeling combined with self-monitoring strategies
affect on meal time activities of an elementary school student with intellectual
disabilities? Secondly, does video modeling combined with self-monitoring affect
its maintenance and generalization of meal time activities for an elementary
school student with intellectual disabilities? One elementary school student
with intellectual disabilities, age 11, participated in the study. Multiple
probe design across behaviors were utilized for this study. The result of the
study were as follows: video modeling combined with self-monitoring improved the
meal time activities of the participant. The effects were maintained three weeks
after the intervention. The average of non-overlapping data point(PND) was 96%,
indicating a ‘high effective level’ of intervention effects. The result of this
study proved that video modeling combined with self-monitoring strategies was an
effective intervention enhancing meal time activities for an elementary school
student with intellectual disabilities. The results were maintained and
generalized at home.
Korean Association for Behavior Analysis
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