1. Study on the relative motion of parafoil-load-systems
2. 2) Rogallo, F. M., Lowry, J. G., Croom, D. R. and Taylor, R. T.: Preliminary Investigation of a Paraglider, NASA TN D-443, 1960.
3. 3) Hewes, D. E.: Free-Flight Investigation of Radio-Controlled Models with Parawing, NASA TN D-927, 1961.
4. 4) Fournier, P. G. and Bell, B. A.: Low Subsonic Pressure Distributions on Three Rigid Wings Simulating Paragliders With Varied Canopy Curvatures and Leading-Edge Sweep, NASA TN D-983, 1961.
5. 5) Gamse, B., Mort, K. M. and Yaggy, P. F.: Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Tests of a Large Scale Inflatable Structure Paraglider, NASA TN D-2859, 1965.