1. 1) Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Airplane Accidents: Worldwide Operations 1959-2005, Boeing, http://www. boeing.com/news/techissues/pdf/statsum.pdf
2. 2) 国交省交通政策審議会航空分科会第2回航空保安システム整備部会参考資料2-2,http://www.mlit.go.jp/singikai/koutusin/koku/hoan/2/images/sankou2_2.pdf
3. 3) Phillips, W. H.: Gust Alleviation, Performance and Dynamics of Aerospace Vehicles, NASA SP-258, 1971, pp. 505-553.
4. 4) Phillips, W. H.: Study of a Control System to Alleviate Aircraft Response to Horizontal and Vertical Gusts, NASA TN D-7278, 1973.
5. 5) Komoda, M.: Optimality Study of a Gust Alleviation System for Light Wing-Loading STOL Aircraft, NASA TN D-8180, 1976.