1. Two Supersonic Business Aircraft Conceptual Designs With and Without Sonic Boom Constraint
2. Case for Small Supersonic Civil Aircraft
3. 3) Kroo, I.: Unconventional Configurations for Efficient Supersonic Flight, VKI Lecture Series on Innovation Configurations and Advanced Concepts for Future Civil Aircraft, June 6-10, 2005.
4. 4) Conway, E. M.: High Speed Dreams :NASA and the Technopolitics of Supersonic Transportation, 1945-1999, The Johns Hopkines Unversity Press, Baltimore, 2005.
5. 5) Carlson, H. W.: An Investigation of the Influence of Lift on Sonic Boom Intensity by Means of Wind-Tunnel Measurements of the Pressure Fields of Several Wing-body Combinations, NASA TN D-881, 1961.