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3. 3) Throckmorton, D.A.: Heat Transfer to Surface and Gaps of RSI Tile Arrays in Turbulent Flow at Mach 10.3, NASA TM X-71945, April, 1974.
4. 4) Weinstein, I., Avery, D.E. and Chapman, A.J.: Aerodynamic Heating to the Gaps and Surfaces of Simulated Reusable-Surfaces-Insulation Tile Arrays in Turbulent Flow at Mach 6.6, NASA TM X-3225, 1975.
5. 5) Nestler, D.E.: The Effects of Surface Discontinuities on Convective Heat Transfer in Hypersonic Flow, AIAA Paper AIAA-85-0971, June 19-21, 1985, Williamsburg Virginia AIAA 20th Thermophysics Conference.