Vaccination is essential tool for the management
and control of infectious diseases. However, it can
cause adverse events. After novel Pandemic (“swine”)
flu virus A H1N1 rapid spread in 2009 all over
the world and mass vaccination initiatives, the sudden
increase in childhood narcolepsy with cataplexy
in some countries has occurred. It stunned medical
and public health society, and general population,
what increased awareness of recorded side effects
and vaccine safety. An integrative review of the literature
was conducted and extra search of reports and
documents was performed.
Despite adverse events were recorded after vaccination
against pandemic flu, side effects bear very
small proportion of all vaccinated. Vaccination
against swine flu can cause generalized, flu-like, neurological,
gastrointestinal, and allergic-type symptoms.
A more serious complication, which has been
identified, is narcolepsy with cataplexy. The incidence
of narcolepsy with cataplexy in children and
adolescents in European countries increased during
the pandemic and vaccination period. The use of
adjuvants has been shown to provoke some adverse
Vaccination safety remains a priority issue in vaccination
science. It is of high importance to devout
finances, to form vaccine policy, to coordinate
vaccine research, and to promote vaccine investigation,
creation, and improvements. Safe vaccination
will encourage population and empower societies
for wider usage of vaccination as the mean for flu
control, especially in children.
Association of Lithuanian Serials (Publications)