Abstract. The aim of the study. The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness of the treatment of trophic ulcers by autologous transplantation of stromal cells from adipose tissue in the experiment.
Materials and methods of research. Experimental studies of the effectiveness of the treatment of trophic ulcers of venous etiology by autotransplantation of adipose tissue cells on 14 rabbits of the Chinchilla line, aged more than 4 months in both sexes, weighing 3 kilograms, are presented. After receiving the trophic ulcer, the rabbits were divided into 2 groups. A control group of 7 rabbits who used drug therapy and a core group of 7 rabbits who underwent autotransplantation of stromal cells from adipose tissue against the background of drug therapy. Both groups performed morphological and immunohistochemical studies.
Results and conclusions. It is determined that the use of the method of autotransplantation of the stromo-vascular fraction of adipose tissue (SVF) in the treatment of trophic ulcer of venous etiology in the experiment in rabbits leads to acceleration of the processes in the healing of trophic ulcer, which is increased by the level of cytokyntinucleation, into more mature connective tissue.
Keywords: mesenchymal stromal cells from adipose tissue, trophic ulcer, chronic venous insufficiency, experiment, morphological study, immunohistochemically research.
National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
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