Diabetes is a chronic condition caused by a malfunction of the pancreas to secrete enough insulin resulting in two conditions: hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Glucometer is used for home blood glucose monitoring (HBGM). In the present study, out of 100 patients, the difference between venous and capillary blood glucose difference is very little i.e, 2.48 g/dl by using a glucometer. The study supports the view that venous blood glucose measurements can also be used as a substitute for capillary derived specimens in the management of non-critically ill patients. Sometimes, healthcare providers shall be cautious of pseudo-hypo/hyperglycemia where the capillary blood glucose does not correlate with venous plasma glucose. Evidence-based treatment decisions shall help diabetes management in such a scenario.
Keywords: Glucose, capillary, venous, blood collection
Scientific Advanced Learning Technologies Trust