Cahyaningtyas Widia A. A.,Nainggolan Sudung,Simanjuntak Tigor P.
Keputihan (leukorea, flour albus, vaginal discharge) adalah sekret berlebihan dari vagina selain darah haid, dan tidak disebabkan neoplasma atau penyakit sistemik. Keputihan merupakan masalah kesehatan reproduksi dialami hampir 75% perempuan didunia, paling tidak sekali selama hidupnya. Kurangnya pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik dalam perawatan vagina diyakini berpengaruh terhadap kejadian keputihan patologis tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap, dan praktik personal hygiene organ genital eksterna terhadap kejadian keputihan patologis pada mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian analitik korelasional pada 98 mahasiswi. Terdapathubungan yang bermakna (p= 0,000) dan korelasi positif antara tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik personal hygiene dengan kejadian keputihan patologis.
Kata Kunci : keputihan, pengetahuan, sikap, praktik, personal hygiene.
Relationship Between Knowledge, Attitudes and Personal Practices of External Genitalia Hygiene Against Pathological Leucorrhoea
Vaginal discharge (leukorrhea, flour albus, vaginal discharge) is excessive discharge from the vagina other than menstrual blood, and is not caused by neoplasms or systemic disease. Leucorrhoea is a reproductive health problem that affects nearly 75% of women in the world, at least once in their lifetime. Lack of knowledge, attitude, and practice in vaginal care is believed to have an effect on the incidence of pathological vaginal discharge. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and personal hygiene practices of external genital organs on the incidence of pathological vaginal discharge in students of the Faculty of Medicine, Christian University of Indonesia. This study used a correlational analytical research design on 98 female students of the Faculty of Medicine, Christian University of Indonesia. It was found a significant relationship (p = 0.000) and a positive correlation between the level of knowledge, attitudes and personal hygiene practices with the incidence of pathological vaginal discharge.
Keywords: leucorrhoea, knowledge, attitude, practice, personal hygiene.
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2 articles.