Evaluation of the Usability of Social Media in Education in Türkiye with Machine Learning






This study aims to examine students' views on the usability of social media sites. University students were given a questionnaire with five-point Likert scale questions in order to learn about their demographics and the usability of social media platforms in terms of ease of learning, effectiveness, memorability, fault tolerance, and satisfaction for social media platforms. It was determined that participants of 34.6% to use Facebook, 36.2% to use Twitter, 90% to use Instagram, 10.8% to use Linkedin, and 93.8% to use YouTube. All usability dimensions for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube have been shown to be identical. While participant error tolerance varies for Twitter, other factors have no bearing on the usability dimension. At the end of the research, the usability of Youtube was rated 3.44 (68.8%), that of Twitter 3.45 (69.0%), Facebook 3.44 (68.8%), Instagram 3.42 (68.4%), and LinkedIn 3.32 (66.4%). 3.42 (68.4%) was the overall usability score for social media platforms. Social networking networks' usability is just above 68 on the System Usability Scale, which is considered borderline. It is necessary to increase the usability of all social media platforms so that people may utilize them more effectively. It is important to make sure that students are using social media networks as an effective teaching tool. Additionally, it's important to educate pupils about the dangers of social media and the safety measures that can be implemented. They should also be taught how to use social media and the internet safely, and they should monitor what the pupils do there.


Milli Egitim Bakanligi Milli Egitim Dergisi



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