An Investigation Of The Opinions Of Psychological Consultants Working In Secondary Education Schools On Values Education






In Turkey, values education studies are implemented in different education levels and it is seen in the literature that it is gaining importance. Studies on values education require the participation of students, teachers, psychological counselors, school principals and vice principals and parents, in other words, all stakeholders. In the Regulation on Guidance and Psychological Counseling Services No. 31213, it is seen that one of the duties of school counselors in guidance and psychological counseling services in secondary education is to realize the values of adolescents and to establish a link between their own values and social values. Therefore, school psychological counselors who work in the guidance service at the secondary education level have an important role in gaining values. Considering that the main purpose of the guidance is the self- actualization of the individual, values are absolutely needed in the process of the individual's self- actualization. The aim of this study is to investigate the perceptions of school counselors regarding the practices of values education and to find out the studies and problems experienced in this regard. In this study, the case study method was used within the framework of qualitative research approach. The study group of the research consists of 11 psychological counselors who work in secondary schools and who voluntarily agree to participate in the study. As a data collection tool, a "semi-structured interview form" was used and the data were analyzed using the "content analysis method". As a result of the research; According to psychological counselors, values education studies applied in secondary education institutions are effective, different studies are carried out in and out of school in this context, these studies affect the value system of adolescents positively, although there are problems from time to time in the conduct of the studies, the importance of values education is increasing due to the changes in society has emerged. In addition, it has been concluded that psychological counselors think that the values of taking responsibility, tolerance, honesty and justice should be given to adolescents.


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