1. Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii
Introduction: the article presents the results of a study of criminogenic risks contributing to the commission of sexual violence against minors on the Internet.
Materials and Methods: the research materials included Russian legislation in the field of ensuring the information security of minors, statistical indicators of registered crimes committed against minors using digital technologies, previously conducted research and the results of a sociological study conducted by the author, which formed the basis of the presented materials of the article. In the preparation of this study, a number of well-established methods of criminological research were employed, including the universal dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of cognition (analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization), as well as special scientific methods of cognition (legal, comparative legal and sociological).
Literature Review: the scientific works of Y.M. Antonyan, N.F. Kuznetsova, A.I. Alekseev, V.N. Kudryavtsev, V.E. Eminov, A.B. Saharov, and others. Additionally, modern scientific publications and dissertation research were considered. In addition, the following scientific articles were considered: those by T. V. Pinkevich, V.A. Turkulets, A.V. Kulakov, and A.S. Medvedeva; N. L. Antipina, M.N. Turunova, O.V. Safronova, G.U. Soldatova, and E.I. Rasskazova, among others.
Results of the study highlight the features of criminogenic risks contributing to the commission of sexual violence against minors in the Internet space and the shortcomings of existing preventive measures in this area. Conclusions and suggestions for their improvement are formulated.
Discussion and Conclusions: there is a growing tendency to utilise information and digital technologies to facilitate the perpetration of sexual violence against minors. The advent of digital technologies has led to the emergence of novel forms of sexual violence, including sexting, sex turkey, cybergrumming, teledildonics, and real-time transmission of sexual violence. In light of the current situation, it is imperative to devise effective regulatory, informational, organisational, and methodological strategies to combat sexual violence against children in the digital environment. This necessitates a heightened level of collaboration between law enforcement agencies and network operators, providers, parents, educators, and psychologists, with the aim of preventing the commission of these acts.
Kazan Law Institute of MIA Russia
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