Bench tests of noise-insulating materials


Pokusaev Mikhail N.,Khmelnitskaya Anastasia A.,Khmelnitsky Konstantin E.,Kadin Alexey A.,Aydynbekov Beybulat S.


A group of employees of the Scientific, Educational and Production Laboratory "Outboard Boat Motors" of the Department of Water Transport Operation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "AGTU" achieved certain results in the fight against noise, reflected in a number of patents of noise-insulating hoods of various modifications and publications on the analysis of the frequency spectrum of outboard boat motor noise, evaluation of the effectiveness of outboard motor hoods of small-sized Based on the accumulated scientific research, several proto-types of multilayer means recommended for sound insulation of outboard boat motors have been created. In the conditions of a large range of directions, there is a need to apply single-layer or multi-layer structures to the properties of sound insulation without forming a physical model of the hood, casing. This is due to the fact that the production of a hood model entails a complex technological process, while creating a sample in the form of a plate from the same material is much more profitable in terms of financial, labor and time costs. Based on the needs of the scientific educational and production laboratory of outboard boat motors in the study of noise generated by outboard boat motors and means of combating them, it was decided to create a stand to assess the effectiveness of noise-reducing materials, which will allow modeling the conditions of natural operation of a noise-insulating material without the use of full-scale tests with outboard by motor. The created stand allows testing in two directions. The first direction is the testing of physical models of casings for noise insulation using audio files reproducing the noise of the required equipment. The second direction is the study of materials for their noise-insulating properties when generating waves of different frequencies.


Volga State University of Water Transport


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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