Innovations in river passenger transportation as a factor in the development of the human capital of the regions


Pumbrasova Natalya V.ORCID,Upadysheva Elena V.


The object of research in this article is the relationship between the innovative development of river passenger transportation, increasing labor productivity in the economy of the respective territories and the cost of human capital involved in the production process. The subject of the study was the labor resources, the level of their territorial fragmentation with production capacities and the determination of ways to fill the needs of production in the missing qualified personnel. Particular attention is paid to the development of inland waterway transport as a link between labor resources and production facilities. The relevance of this study is confirmed by the presence of a large potential for the development of passenger transportation by river transport using innovative vessels, modern digital systems and navigation tools. The methodological basis of the study was the methods of statistical observation, analysis and calculation of the possible effect. The use of the abstraction method gave the authors the opportunity to obtain an approximate quantitative assessment of the effect obtained from increasing the labor mobility of the population as a result of the development of innovative passenger transportation by river transport. The main scientific results of the study are: 1) confirmation of the hypothesis about the relationship between the growth of economic activity with increased labor mobility, 2) justification of the need for innovative development of passenger transportation by inland waterway. The scientific novelty of the work is to substantiate the need to increase labor mobility within one region and between regions connected by waterways by innovative development of passenger transportation by river transport, as well as in an attempt to quantify the development of human capital on the example of internal labor migration in order to fill in the missing qualified personnel in modern (including innovative) industries.


Volga State University of Water Transport


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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