Measures to reduce the negative impact on the hydrological and navigational conditions of the river during the development of a channel quarry by correctional facilities


Ageeva Vera V.ORCID,Lyukina Ekaterina A.ORCID,Matyugin Mikhail A.ORCID


The arrangement of quarries on rivers (especially on navigable) requires a number of additional justifications, since the development of the subsoil section affects the hydrological regime and shipping conditions. The work carried out a detailed assessment of the impact of the development of the proposed subsoil area on the hydrological and navigational conditions of the Belaya River in various mining options, which showed the inadmissibility of work without introducing a number of restrictions and additional environmental measures. As such measures, the construction of corrective structures (barrage) is proposed in the process of performing mining work. As part of the research, an analysis of the impact of the proposed production on the structure of the channel flow during the construction of the proposed semi-dams and without them was carried out, which showed a significant decrease in the negative impact of quarry development on the section of the Belaya River under consideration.


Volga State University of Water Transport

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