The passenger transportation practice, both in Russia and abroad, shows that this transportation give little profit or completely unprofitable with the exception of tourist transportation. Given the social significance of passenger transportation for the population of the vast territory of the Russian Federation, state authorities implement measures of the state support for various types of transport for these transportations, including reimbursement of expenses to transport enterprises from budgets of various levels. Obviously, the question which type of transport to subsidize and how much requires special attention. At the same time, passenger transportation subsidizing by inland waterways has been canceled since 2005, and decisions made in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on subsidizing from regional and municipal budgets quite often do not compensate the expenses of shipping companies. The article proposes possible options, in fact, for the revival of socially significant passenger transportation by inland water transport in Russia and proposes an approach to determining the maximum amount of subsidies to cover the loss of socially significant passenger transportation. The authors of the article have shown due to what factors direct and indirect (non-transport) components of the effect can be obtained as a result of the implementation of their proposals in the practice of water passenger transport enterprises.
Volga State University of Water Transport
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