Mladi in religija v severovzhodni Sloveniji po letu 2000. Sekularizacijske težnje in relativno vztrajanje institucionalne religioznosti


Lavrič Miran1


1. University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology Koroška cesta 160, SI−2000 Maribor, Slovenia


Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: religion, youth, northeast Slovenia, statistical regions, privatization of religion, 2000–2018 Abstract: This article deals with trends in youth religiosity in northeastern Slovenia in comparison to other Slovenian regions. The analyses are based on data gathered through several representative youth surveys in Slovenia: Youth 2000, Slovenian Youth 2013 and Slovenian Youth 2018. A special attention was devoted to the privatization thesis in the field of religion and the related secularization thesis. The latter was confirmed through the finding that the share of religiously unaffiliated youth has, during the period between 2000 and 2018, substantially increased in all regions of the northeastern Slovenia (Mura region, Drava region and Carinthia region), as well as in other Slovenian regions. However, the crucial finding in this paper is that the northeastern regions of Slovenia stand out by disproportionally high levels of institutionalized religiosity and by relative low levels of privatised religiosity.


Zgodovinsko drustvo dr. Franca Kovacica v Mariboru


History,General Social Sciences

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