Slovensko ozemlje pod vtisom umika avstro-ogrske vojske jeseni 1918


Antoličič Gregor1


1. ZRC SAZU, Institute of History Milko Kos Novi trg 2, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: Austro-Hungarian Army, Withdrawal, Military Transports, Railways, 1918, the State of the Slovenes, Croats and Serbs Abstract: The end of military actions between Austrian-Hungary and the Kingdom of Italy was market on the November 3, 1918, with the signing of the Military truce of Villa Giusta. This truce accelerated the withdraw of the Austro-Hungarian Army which started on October 24 during the last Italian offensive on the river Piava. The Slovenian lands, which played an important role during the war as the direct hinterland of the front, once again occupied an important position, this time during the transporting of Austro-Hungarian troops back to their homelands. In this way, military transports affected also the newly established State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. From the beginning of November 1918, in addition to its internal and foreign problems, this new state was threatened with the transport of many hungry, exhausted and traumatized soldiers. Therefore, the National government in Ljubljana in cooperation with the disintegrating supreme military command of the Austro-Hungarian Army tried to organize the military transports across the Slovenian lands as fast as possible. In the end, the transport of the Austro-Hungarian Army passed without major incidents such as plundering and riots. Therefore, the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs was able to carry out its internal consolidation and unification with the Kingdom of Serbia into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.


Zgodovinsko drustvo dr. Franca Kovacica v Mariboru


History,General Social Sciences

Reference37 articles.

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