Uniqueness and factorization of Coleff-Herrera currents


Andersson Mats


Cellule MathDoc/CEDRAM

Reference12 articles.

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1. L p -estimates of extensions of holomorphic functions defined on a non-reduced subvariety;Annales de l'Institut Fourier;2023-07-03

2. Norm Estimates for the $$\bar{\partial }$$-Equation on a Non-reduced Space;The Journal of Geometric Analysis;2023-05-10

3. A pointwise norm on a non-reduced analytic space;Journal of Functional Analysis;2022-08

4. Residue currents and cycles of complexes of vector bundles;Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques;2022-03-11

5. Integral representation of moderate cohomology;Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques;2021-05-25








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