1. West Alabama Rehabilitation Center
2. University of Alabama
A high proportion of clients unilaterally drop out of rehabilitation and psychological treatment programs. The purpose of the present study, conducted at a comprehensive rehabilitation center, was (a) to devise an intake interview that would differentiate those clients who would drop out from those who would remain in the program and (b) to interview the dropouts after termination to understand their reasons for leaving their treatment program. Dropouts' responses on these interviews were compared to those of a control group of successful clients who had been matched on demographic variables. The results of the initial interview indicated four factors that successfully identified potential dropouts: (a) unrealistically high expectations, (b) low levels of family support for the client's going to work, (c) parents not working outside the home, and (d) a history of few work responsibilities at home. The final interview suggested four major ways a center should try to reduce the dropout rate; (a) prepare the client for the center by establishing realistic expectations, (b) develop a sense of personal efficacy, (c) obtain family support, and (d) improve social interactions among clients at the center.
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