1. Laboratoire Travail and Cognition, Université de Toulouse
The complementary role of static and dynamic information used when one needs to be located in time was studied. Static information refers to temporal knowledge about days of the week, and dynamic information reflects a sense of time, taking into account the present, the near past, and the future. Each day of an actual 7-day wk., 699 women and 620 men were asked to provide a “right” or “wrong” response to a statement such as “Today is T.,” where X was the name of one of the seven days of the week. Analysis suggested use of a structured temporal representation of the week: the weekend, a landmark, had an anchoring role. Also the dynamics of the content of working memory were indicated. The active “temporal window” participants hold in mind seems directed more towards the future than the past. Results are discussed within the more general context of time management.
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4 articles.