1. University of Barcelona
To estimate the personality profile for adolescents at psychopathological risk, a community sample of 762 adolescents, ages 12 to 16 years ( M = 13.8, SD = 1.3), 53% boys and 47% girls, from the city of Barcelona, Spain, were tested with the Youth Self-Report and the High School Personality Questionnaire. Among this group, 140 adolescents were identified as showing symptoms of psychopathological risk for internalizing or externalizing syndromes as defined by Achenbach's theory, Analysis indicated that adolescents who scored high for internalizing and externalizing symptoms showed differing personality profiles, which also differed by sex. Boys scoring high on internalizing tended to adopt an inhibited, shy, and apprehensive behavior, while girls showed a tendency to display a more distant and cold affect and changeable emotionality. The personality pattern of boys and girls who scored high on externalizing symptoms showed both similar and different aspects. Both sexes displayed characteristics such as dominance, poor rule conformity, and low self-discipline. However, girls who scored high on externalizing symptoms also tended to show impulsiveness, social boldness, and low sensitivity.
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