1. Former Consultant to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
2. Private Practice, Woodbury, Minnesota
3. Northwestern University School of Medicine
4. Consultant to Juvenile Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois
5. University of Illinois Chicago School of Medicine
6. Former Consultant to Juvenile Division of Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois
7. Euromed School of Management, Marseille, France
To assess the risks predicting reoffense, 223 Rapists ( M age = 14.2 yr., SD = 1.5; 25 girls, 198 boys) were matched with 223 Nonviolent Delinquents; risks were analyzed using logistic regression. The one predictor was prior court contacts ( OR = 1.55e+12; AUC = .99, 95%CI = .98−.99). 223 Molesters were similarly matched with 223 Nonviolent Delinquents; this comparison yielded three predictors: previous court contacts ( OR = 4.55e+23), poorer executive function ( OR = 2.01), and lower social maturity ( OR = .97; AUC = .98, 95% CI = .97−.99). Records for all cases (now M age = 24.2 yr., SD = 1.4) were reviewed forward 10 years and youth were classified into groups: Sexual Homicidal (1%, n = 7), Delinquent Rapists Later Adult Rapists (11%, n = 73), Delinquent Rapists (21%, n = 144), Delinquent Molesters Later Adult Molesters (10%, n = 69), Delinquent Molesters (23%, n = 153), Nonviolent Delinquent Later Nonviolent Adult Criminals (7%, n = 45), and Nonviolent Delinquents (27%, n = 178). Comparison of Sexual Homicidal cases ( n = 7) with their matched Controls ( n = 7) yielded one predictor, poorer executive function ( AUC = .89, 95 % CI = .71−.93). When Sexual Homicidal cases were matched with Nonviolent Delinquents, predictors were low social maturity and prior court contacts ( AUC = .81, 95%CI= .64−.93).
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28 articles.