Judgment of Filled and Unfilled Durations: Intersensory Factors


Goldstone Sanford1,Goldfarb Joyce Levis1


1. Baylor University College of Medicine and Houston State Psychiatric Institute


Previous studies have shown a consistent intersensory difference in absolute judgments of the duration of continuous auditory and visual inputs. More visual than auditory clock time was judged equivalent to specific temporal concepts. Two experiments investigated this intersensory phenomenon further by comparing the judgments of filled auditory and visual durations with the estimation of unfilled intervals bounded by discrete lights and sounds. Auditory durations were judged longer than visual for the filled and unfilled conditions, and filled auditory durations were judged longer than unfilled auditory intervals The intersensory difference in time judgment was independent of stimulus pattern while the filled-unfilled difference was dependent upon sense mode, order effects and internal temporal standard. Stimulus properties must be considered when interpreting the results of time judgment research.


SAGE Publications


Sensory Systems,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology

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1. Children and adults rely on different heuristics for estimation of durations;Scientific Reports;2023-01-19

2. Filled-Duration Illusions;Timing & Time Perception;2021-06-07

3. Exploring Auditory Information to Change Users' Perception of Time Passing as Shorter;Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems;2020-04-21

4. Temporal reproduction within and across senses: Testing the supramodal property of the pacemaker-counter model.;Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance;2019-09

5. Filled and empty motor reproductions of filled and empty intervals: Is there also a filled - reproduction illusion?;Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics;2017-07-10








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