1. Veterans Administration Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky
2. University of Kentucky
The Strong Vocational Interest Profiles for 60 normals and 60 schizophrenics were selected from test files and analyzed. Each profile met the criterion of possessing at least one primary or reject interest pattern. By means of a mixed analysis of variance (Type 1) the over-all range or difference scores on the seven scales was not significantly different for the two groups. In addition, the over-all mean standard scale scores for the two groups were not significantly different. The Group X Scales interaction was significant for both measures. The schizophrenics were more interested in skilled labor and business details, while the controls were more interested in selling and linguistic occupations. It was concluded that there were no differences in range of scores for the two groups or in their profile patterns. The major implication is that interest patterns of schizophrenics are stable and that vocational counseling on the basis of Strong interest may be very helpful in making hospital work assignments.