1. Loyola University New Orleans
The effect of labels on recognition and identification of odors over time was assessed. 30 men and 30 women were presented 20 odors; half of the participants were also told a name for the odor as a label. Five min. and 60 min. later, all participants were given 20 odors (10 from the original set, 10 new) and asked whether each odor was new or old (odor recognition). The group given labels was also asked to recall the label provided (odor identification). Analysis indicated a significant effect of time on recognition. Significantly more odors were recognized at 5 min. than 60 min. The effect of label was also significant, with recognition being better for the Label condition than the No-Label condition. As for odor identification, women identified more labels than did men. Overall, odor recognition was better with labels soon after exposure, and the women were better at remembering the labels than the men.
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4 articles.