1. Veterans Administration Center, Martinsburg, W. Va.
2. Veterans Administration Hospital, Washington, D. C.
3. University of West Virginia, Morgantown
The Religious Belief Questionnaire of Smith and Apfeldorf, a multi-denominational instrument, and the Waldrop revision of the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values were administered to eleventh grade student volunteers, 54 boys and 68 girls, during regular class periods. Males scored significantly higher than females on the theoretical, economic, and political scales of the Study of Values, females higher than males on the aesthetic, social, and religious scales, and on the Religious Belief Questionnaire. Correlations between scales, and between scales and the Religious Belief Questionnaire are presented. Results are discussed in relation to data in the Study of Values manual and also to findings of similar research on high school students.
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