1. YMCA of Metropolitan Atlanta
44 formerly sedentary men ( n = 22) and women ( n = 22) self-selected cardiovascular exercise intensities, durations, and frequencies for 12 wk. A mean of approximately 2 exercise sessions/week, for 28 to 29 min./session were completed, and small ( ds = .30 to .35) but significant ( p < .05) cardiorespiratory (VO2 max) improvements were found. Reductions in Depression and Tension scores on the Profile of Mood States were also significant ( ps < .05) over the 12 wk. No sex differences were found for change on any of the variables of interest. Analysis showed no significant correlations between change on either Depression and Tension scores, and change in VO2 max, over the 12 wk. Limitations and the need for replication with a control group were discussed. The possible advantages of allowing new and returning exercisers to self-select initial physical activity amounts were discussed.
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6 articles.