1. Graduate School of Social Work, Portland State University
Mental health needs of Native American youth in the Oregon juvenile justice system are compared to those of Euro-American youth. The comparison is between 109 Euro-American youth and 22 Native American youth drawn from two samples of youth adjudicated to community service and incarcerated. The youth completed a mental health history and indices of mental health and health status. Native American youth are disproportionately represented in the Oregon juvenile justice system. Mental health profiles of Native American youth reflect problems at least as severe as those of Euro-American youth, and both Native American and Euro-American youth in the juvenile justice system had profiles different from those of youth not referred for clinical services. More Native American youth .(42.5%) compared to Euro-American youth (27.5%) reported considering suicide in the past 12 months. Mental health screenings for both Native American and Euro-American youth are indicated.
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