1. University of Maryland, Far East Division
2. University of Hawaii
An investigation of the effect of different reinforcement schedules (RS) upon conditioning and awareness in a verbal operant conditioning situation (VOC). 40 Ss were given Taffel's sentence-completion task with one-half of Ss given an intertrial color-naming task (ICN). Ss were placed on a 100%, 66%, 33%, or 0% RS for Trials 11–100, with no reinforcement given during Trials 101 to 150. The 100% and 66% RS groups showed conditioning of “I-we” responses ( p < .01) and a decrease in the correct response during extinction ( p < .01). The 33% RS group failed to condition ( p > .05). ICN had no effect upon VOC or awareness as measured by Dulany's post-conditioning interview ( p > .05).