The relationship beteen height, arm length, hand grip strength, togok flexibility to petanque shooting accuracy


Zaidurrahman Izza FajriORCID,Sugiyanto SugiyantoORCID,Syaifullah RonyORCID,Riyadi SlametORCID


Background and purpose This research aims to determine the relationship between height, arm length, hand grip strength, togok flexibility to petanque shooting accuracy. Material and methods This research was carried out at the Petanque Training Field of Tunas Pembangunan University and Petanque Field Karangasem. In this study used correlational method. Correlational research is a type of research with problem characteristics in the form of correlational relationships between two or more variables. The relationship between these variables can be determined through the calculation of the correlation coefficient using analysis techniques. In this study, a description will be made of the correlation and the amount of contribution between height to petanque shooting accuracy, arm length to petanque shooting accuracy, hand grip strength to petanque shooting accuracy and togok flexibility to petanque shooting accuracy. Data analysis in this study used multiple correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis. Results The results of this study show that the For the variables Body Height, Arm Length, Hand Grip Strength and Togok Flexibility on the Petanque Shooting Accuracy variable, the coefficient of determination or R Square was calculated at 0.785, meaning that the independent variables were (Body Height, Arm Length, Hand Grip Strength and Togok Flexibility). Simultaneously have a relationship with the dependent variable Petanque Shooting Accuracy of 0.785 (78.5%), while the remaining 21.5% (100% - 78.5% = 21.5%) is influenced by other variables outside the variables studied. Conclusions The conclusion of this research is variables of height, arm length, hand grip strength, togok flexibility together affect the dependent variable Petanque Shooting Accuracy by 78.5%.


Independent publisher Zhanneta Kozina

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