1. CIE. Special metamerism index: Change of illuminant. Supplement No. 1 of Publication No.15. Paris: CIE; 1971.
2. CIE. Colorimetry. 2nd Ed. Publication No. 15.2. Vienna: Central Bureau of the CIE; 1986.
3. Color science: Concepts and methods, quantitative data and formulae. 2nd Ed. New York: Wiley; 1982. p 184-185, 347-379.
4. Principles of color technology. 2nd Ed. New York: Wiley; 1981. p 22, 52-53, 176-177.
5. CIE. Special metamerism index: Change in observer. Publication No. 80. Vienna: Central Bureau of the CIE; 1989.