1. Terrestrial Ecology Group (TEG‐UAM). Department of Ecology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid Spain
2. Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Cambio Global (CIBC‐UAM) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid Spain
3. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC, CSIC‐UCLM) Ciudad Real Spain
4. Departamento de Ecología de la Biodiversidad, Instituto de Ecología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Ciudad de México Mexico
AbstractDispersal of individuals and gene flow are crucial aspects to maintain genetic diversity and viability of populations, especially in the case of threatened species. Landscape composition and structure may facilitate or limit individual movement within and among populations. We used a landscape genetics approach to assess the connectivity patterns of the threatened Dupont's lark (Chersophilus duponti subsp. duponti), considering their genetic patterns and the landscape features associated with its gene flow in Spain. We analysed the genetic relatedness based on 11 species‐specific polymorphic microsatellites on 416 Dupont's lark individuals sampled across peninsular Spain between 2017 and 2019, covering most of the European distribution of the species. To assess the relationship between the landscape composition and the species gene flow, we estimated genetic distance at the individual level (Dps). Next, we built a set of environmental surfaces from two time periods (years 1990 and 2018), based on factors such as land use and topography, influencing individuals' movement. We then obtained resistance surfaces from an optimization process on landscape variables. Landscape genetics analyses were done for single and composite surface models for each year separately. Our findings from both time points show that scatter or mosaic‐structured vegetation composed by low agricultural and tree cover and high presence of sclerophyllous shrubs favoured Dupont's lark dispersal, while dense and continuous tree cover, as well as areas of intensive agriculture, were limiting factors. Our results suggest the importance of steppe habitat patches for the species' establishment and dispersal. In addition, our results provide key information to develop conservation measures, including conserving and restoring steppe habitats as scattered and/or mosaic‐structured vegetation that could warrant the connectivity and persistence of Dupont's lark populations.