1. Medical Research Council ‐ University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research Glasgow United Kingdom
2. Department of Medicine ‐ University of Cambridge Cambridge Cambridgeshire United Kingdom
3. Wellcome Sanger Institute Hinxton Cambridgeshire United Kingdom
4. University of Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Quebec Canada
5. Medical Research Council/Uganda Virus Research Institute & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Uganda Research Unit Entebbe Uganda
6. Uganda Virus Research Institute Entebbe Uganda
7. Department of Medicine Makerere University College of Health Sciences Kampala Uganda
8. Department of Zoology University of Oxford Oxford United Kingdom
9. Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research University of Oxford United Kingdom
10. National Institute of Public Health of Quebec, Laboratory of Public Health of Quebec Sainte‐Anne‐de‐BellevueQuebec Canada