1. Department of Environmental Resources Research National Institute of Environmental Research Seogu Incheon Korea
AbstractTo move away from linear system mining–manufacture–production–disposal, most countries have been trying to establish a circular economy, by reusing waste as resources. Responding to this paradigm change, the Ministry of Environment of Korea amended the Wastes Control Act in the 2010s. To increase the recycling rate in Korea, the environmental assessment of recycling (EAR) has been introduced to improve the Wastes Control Act. The whole process of new recycling technologies can be assessed in terms of environmental or technical aspects by assessment institutes of the EAR. Finally, the governmental research institute can approve of an application case, which proves environmental friendliness, even if the technology is not defined in the current act. Recently, 17 companies have been coassessed and approved to recycle steel codes in waste tires as resources for iron smelting via assessments of the whole process, such as environmental analysis and quality assessment. The EAR has been enforcing recycling materials for six years, and the total profit of the companies that were approved was estimated to be approximately 55 million USD. However, many amendments to the EAR continue to be requested by stakeholders. In this study, the effect of the EAR was evaluated, and additional tasks were found to enhance the EAR. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2024;20:1473–1485. © 2024 SETAC
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