Mental health service areas in Switzerland


Stulz Niklaus1ORCID,Jörg Reto2,Reim‐Gautier Constanze1,Bonsack Charles3,Conus Philippe3,Evans‐Lacko Sara4ORCID,Gabriel‐Felleiter Kerstin5,Heim Eva6,Jäger Matthias7,Knapp Martin4,Richter Dirk8,Schneeberger Andres9,Thornicroft Sir Graham10,Traber Rafael11,Wieser Simon12,Tuch Alexandre2,Hepp Urs1314


1. Integrated Psychiatric Services Winterthur—Zurcher Unterland Winterthur Switzerland

2. Swiss Health Observatory Neuchatel Switzerland

3. Department of Psychiatry Lausanne University Hospital Lausanne Switzerland

4. Care Policy and Evaluation Centre London School of Economics and Political Science London UK

5. Psychiatric Services Lucerne Lucerne Switzerland

6. Institute of Psychology University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland

7. Psychiatric Services Baselland Liestal Switzerland

8. Department of Health Professions Bern University of Applied Sciences Bern Switzerland

9. Department of Psychiatry University of California San Diego La Jolla California USA

10. Centre for Global Mental Health and Center for Implementation Science, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London London UK

11. Organizzazione Sociopsichiatrica Cantonale Mendrisio Switzerland

12. Winterthur Institute of Health Economics ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur Switzerland

13. Department of Consultation‐Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine University Hospital Zurich University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland

14. Meilener Institute Zurich Zurich Switzerland




Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference55 articles.

1. Geographical variation in acute psychiatric admissions within New York City 1990–2000: growing inequalities in service use?

2. Geographic Variations in Utilization Rates in Veterans Affairs Hospitals and Clinics

3. Bundesamt für Statistik. (2018).Arbeitsmarktregionen 2018. Retrieved from‐analysen/raeumliche‐gliederungen/analyseregionen.assetdetail.8948840.html

4. Bundesamt für Statistik. (2020).Ständige Wohnbevölkerung nach Alter Kanton Bezirk und Gemeinde 2010–2019. Retrieved from‐entwicklung/bevoelkerung.assetdetail.13707291.html

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