1. Reactions and processes Engineering laboratory; CNRS, Université de Lorraine, ENSIC; 1 rue Grandville B.P.20451 54000 Nancy Cedex France
2. LEMTA; CNRS, Université de Lorraine; BP 54506 Vandoeuvre lès Nancy France
3. IS2M, CNRS; Université de Haute Alsace; 15 rue Jean Starcky BP 2488 68057 Mulhouse cedex France
4. LERMAB; Université de Lorraine; BP239 54506 Vandoeuvre lès Nancy cedex France
5. Faculty of Engineering; The University of Nottingham; Energy Technologies Building Nottingham NG2 2 TU United Kingdom
6. ICPM, LCPA2MC; Université de Lorraine; Metz France