1. Department of Health Sciences Research; Mayo Clinic; Rochester Minnesota
2. Department of Biostatistics; Necker Hospital, INSERM UMRS 872, AP-HP; Paris France
3. Department of Medical Oncology; Centre Léon Bérard; Lyon France
4. Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Unite Mixte De Recherche (UMR); Université Claude Bernard; Lyon France
5. Division of Hematology; Mayo Clinic; Rochester Minnesota
6. Department of Biostatistics & Computational Biology; Harvard T.H. Chan; Boston Massachusetts
7. Lymphoid Malignancies Unit, Henri Mondor Hospital; Université Paris-Est; Créteil France
8. Hematology; APHP, Hôpital Saint Louis, INSERM U728, IUH; Paris France
9. Department of Medical Oncology; Institut Gustave Roussy; Villejuif France
10. Hopital Le Bocage; Dijon France
11. Department of Hematology; Centre Hospitalier Nancy-Brabois; Vandoeuvre France
12. Department of Hematology; Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire De Lille; Lille France
13. Department of Medicine; University of Minnesota; Minneapolis Minnesota
14. Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Minneapolis Minnesota
15. Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology; Mayo Clinic; Rochester Minnesota
16. INSERM Unité U955 Équipe 9; Créteil France
17. Department of Pathology; University of Iowa College of Medicine; Iowa City Iowa
18. Centre for Lymphoid Cancers; British Columbia Cancer Agency; Vancouver British Columbia Canada
19. Department of Medicine; Washington University, St. Louis; Missouri
20. Department of Hematology; Hospices Civils De Lyon; Pierre Benite France
21. Department of Hematology; INSERM U918, IRIB, Centre Henri Becquerel; Rouen France